Solsona, 8th -10th July 2015
Seminario internacional sobre cultura del riesgo y comunicación del riesgo de incendios forestales (ESP)
Seminari internacional sobre cultura del risc i comunicació del risc d’incendis forestals (CAT)
International workshop on risk culture and wildfire risk communication (ENG)
Session I: Setting up the scene on wildfire risk
- Trends of forest fires in the Mediterranean and central and north Europe. ORIOL VILALTA
- Fire use and wildfire risk in Europe communication needs for societal involvement. EDUARD PLANA
Session II: Risk perception and communication, key elements for the social management of risk throw communication tools
- Communicating nature and related issues to society, how to success? MARTÍ BOADA
- Risk governance, the example of the wildfire groups as a tool for communication for social organization. ROB GAZZARD
- Integrating wildfire risk knowledge into professional curriculums. The experience of the architects’ school of Barcelona. PEPA MORAN and ANNA ZAHONERO
- Round table: Lessons learned managing risks and society
- Experiences in floods risk. LLUÍS GODÉ
- Experiences in avalanche and geological risks. LUÍS LOPEZ COBO
- Communication and strategic coordination of emergencies. MONTSE FONT
- Prevention through social participation and dialogue with end-users. ANTONIO MALDONADO MORALES
Session III: Example, issues and proposals on communication with journalists and media professionals
Session IV: Example, issues and proposals on communication towards Scholars and their teachers
- Review of communication towards Scholars and their teachers. HELENA BALLART
- The Beginnings, the necessity and the design of Mefitu project. MOISES GALÁN SANTANO
- Forest fires in the Education System: 10 basic ideas as necessary conceptual basis. MARTÍN ALCAHÚD
- Presentation of BROTES program. SILVIA FERNÁNDEZ
Session V: Example, issues and proposals on communication towards Communities and municipalities
- Review of communication towards communities and municipalities. JULIA GLADINE
- France wildfire prevention organization, the Oriental Pyrenees study case, an example of fire risk communication and sensitization. SERGE PEYRE
- Dealing with wildfire prevention and wildland urban interface. XAVIER NAVALÓN
- Dealing with wildfire prevention and wildland urban interface. MARIA PIPIÓ