Action A5.2 – Development of communication programmes and tools for and with journalists and media


This Action will develop (design, test, improve and finalize) the contents of a handbook (case study and adaptation to the regional contexts of southern Mediterranean countries) addressed to media professionals/journalists, in order to improve the news coverage and social understanding of the fire phenomenon and to optimize the educational role of the media and guidance on optimal protocols for information, especially regarding the management of the information during emergencies.

The handbook will be edited in both paper version and digital version, in coherence with the corporate image of the project and overall communication Plan to ensure the coherence with the other communication tools. The official languages from the project partners will be used in addition to English. Prior to the development of the contents, a workshop gathering fire experts and a large group of journalists and media professionals will be held to better identify the contents and format of the handbook, based on the presentation and understanding of the reality that is to be conveyed. Subsequently, on the first draft will be conducted a test of understanding and usefulness with journalists to incorporate final adjustments, and adapt better the contents to the regional context of partner countries. After the testing phase, the handbook contents will be improved (corrected and complemented) and finalized, to be printed and published on-line. Project partners will all attend the first workshop to ensure its replication in their own countries. Repeating the workshop in Western Mediterranean (Spain-France) and Southern Mediterranean regions (Algeria and Tunisia), will allow each partner to develop a manual adapted to the specific context of its region.


Expected results

The practical workshop which is planned with journalists will allow to debate on the topic and to identify the real needs of the media community when addressing fire risk communication. The test of the handbook contents by end-users will ensure its relevance and appropriation by the media. The handbook will be edited in paper and digital format, respecting the formats established, and a synthesis of recommendations at the operational and political levels for the target audience “media” will be made (related to Actions 2.3 and 2.4).

Responsible for implementing it:  CTFC

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