Title: Efficient fire risk communication for resilient societies (eFIRECOM)
Call: Call for proposals 2014 for projects on Preparedness and Prevention projects in civil protection and marine pollution under the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism
Prevention Projects.
Priority 2: Actions (guidelines, studies, workshops, and exchange of experience) on the development of urban resilience strategies, including community and local-based disaster risk reduction actions and tools and guidelines for urban risk assessment, taking into account existing international initiatives in this field (e.g. UNISDR resilient cities campaign) and climate change adaptation strategies.
External Budget item
Website: (in progress)
Calendar: 1/01/2015 – 31/12/2016 (24 month)
Coordinator: Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia – CTFC (SPAIN)
(AB1) Fire Ecology and Management Foundation Pau Costa Alcubierre – PCF, Spain
(AB2) European Forest Institute. Mediterranean Office – EFIMED, Spain
(AB4) Direction Générale des Forêts de Tunisie, Tunisia
(AB5) Université Hadj Lakhdar Batna, Algeria
EC contribution: 373.743€ (Financing rate: 75 %)
Mr. Eduard Plana Bach (Coordinator)
Head of Forest Policy and Environmental Governance Department
Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia
Crta. St. Llorenç de Morunys km 2, 25280 Solsona, Spain.
Phone: (+34) 973 481 752 – Extension: 227 / e-mail: eduard.plana@ctfc.es